Be sure you find out what type of paint you have on your car from the dealer so that you are able later to select the correct paint scratch & chip repair kit. Here you can easily select you dealer ship of your make by pressing the make link in the window below which will show you your main distributor within Australia. Simply use the “find Dealership” button to locate your new car parts dealer near you. Simply contact the new car parts dealer and advise the operator that you need your colour code and color name. Be sure to have your registration papers handy before calling them. The operator will ask you for your V.I.N Number (Vehicle Identification Number) which is on the registration papers. Quote the V.I.N and get your car paint code and name. Be sure to ask the operator if your color is a metallic, non-metallic or tri-coat color before hanging up the phone. Follow this link to see What you Need to Know To Know before Purchasing an i-kit. You may also choose to see where the paint code colour id label identifier is on your vehicle using the Paint Code Locations