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Automotive Touch-up Paint Type Colour Specifications For Repairing Tinted Clear Paint

Paint Types
Repairing Tinted Clear Paint: This paint type has a tint in the clear over the color making it a special tinted clear over color to give the rich toffee red effect; without the tinted clear you will not be able to color match the colour to your vehicle. looking at the tinted clear paint chip above, you may see that the paint surface has a sparkle or texture look. In the sun especially this can be seen clearly, with all the different light shades changing the appearance of the color. For example in direct sunlight, the color may look light and bright but in the shade, it appears darker and deeper in color. Go to Repair Guides
- Plastic Primer – This is an essential paint layer when repairing paint scratches that have completely been removed from plastic parts such as your bumper bar. The plastic primer is formulated to a clear one-coat thin application which will give the perfect paint build when repairing or refinishing a plastic part like bumper bars. The general rule of thumb is that if permanent repairs are required then an adhesion promoter is a must. Note: Failing to apply the adhesion promoter will surely eventually lead to paint repair failure in the long term decreasing the value of your car and other poorly repaired items.
- Metal Primer – Also known as the electrostatic coating the manufacturer applies before painting. This surface is a durable solution that protects, coats and seals the entire metal car body completing the finishing of top coat color layers for metallic paint.
- Color Paint – The metallic paint color that is seen on your car is not only designed to protect the car’s body but to also make the appearance look appealing to prospective owners.
- Tinted Clear – This final tinted clear paint layer plays a very important part in the finishing paint layers on your car. This Tinted Clear Solution Gives your car paint the final look, which is a high glossy appearance that gives metallic paints a great depth and a bright look. Some often say the toffee look. This layer of paint solution has a very important role in preserving the paint color.
Metallic Paint is porous and if the tinted clear gloss is not applied over the top you would surely find rust starting to eventually appear. The tinted clear gloss is not porous and is designed to lock out moisture and protect the true color from damaging UV sunlight. The tinted clear coat should give you the exact match color, so buy the exact match color in the first place. You Cannot get the exact look without applying the tinted clear to the metallic color.
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Tinted Clear Color Type Specification Chart